Tuesday, October 28, 2014


This flimsy wee number enticed me peruse a vintage clothing shop in Temuka. I tentatively and respectfully asked the charming proprietor if I could take a snap of this, subtlety gesticulating at the window. She said it was called a negligee, I replied that I knew this but I was too polite to utter the word in public. This style of garment needs to be backlit to bring out the details and lushness of the fabric.
It kind of reminds me of those old James Bond movies where all the women wore these and had double entrendre names. Interesting decoration under the windowsill.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Boat Sheds

We've been traveling a bit over the last few weeks, which gave me the opportunity to meander about on the scavenge for a snap or two. I'm a tad partial to practical no nonsense buildings. The top shed I feel was not originally designed as a shipwright's place of work.This was spotted near Blenhiem. As you can see it is embedded in a vineyard, one of at least a trillion that have taken over virtually every paddock in the district.
The middle shed is at least situated on the waters edge. The plaster work and colour are particularly exquisite. I like the well used crank thing too.
The bottom one could be a bit scary in a big storm. I think it must be better constructed than it looks because it appears to have been there for a considerable while. The road/dirt track that led along this bit of the coast was only about, on average, 20cm above sea level. Thankfully the tide had just turned and was on the way out and the wind was only gale force and frigid This shed and the middle one are both near Portabello on the Otago peninsula near Dunedin.